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 Visual Database Explorer 2018.2 Build 6331 Major update

Post by Administrator
Visual Software Systems
Joined 1/01/2016
Posted 8/20/2018 12:00 AM

A major new release of Visual Database Explorer is now available. This release features a restyling of the user interface to that of a more modern IDE and includes multiple feature enhancements and bug fixes:


  • Restyled the user interface using Windows’ Metro Light theme
  • Enhanced the SQL Editor’s case correction functionality
    • Added the ability to specify the case-correction style. Choices include Uppercase (default), lowercase, and title case
    • The current case correction style is now applied when a SQL document is first opened
    • Added the option to disable case correction
  • Updated the functionality that allowed for running a portion of a SQL document. The new functionality provides a specific command to “run selection”. The command is available from the Query menu, Query toolbar, Editor toolbar, and the editor’s context menu
  • Updated the Browse table functionality to control the timing of the execution and the style of SQL generated
    • Added the option to generate a query that lists each field rather than a “SELECT *”
    • Added the option to defer execution of a generated query. This allows the user to modify the generated SQL prior to execution
  • Added the ability to right-click on a SQL Editor tab and add the query to the SQL Favorites
  • Updated Favorites to save the order of the items when the application shuts down
  • Updated the application help to include the new enhancements and made several typographical error corrections

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error that caused the application to shut down when requesting the Connect to Database dialog. This issue was specific to Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 Update).
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Options Restore functionality from succeeding

To learn more about the new features read our blog post about the release.

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