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SOQL Studio 2020.1 Build 282 Maintenance Release
Post by Administrator
Visual Software Systems
Joined 1/01/2016
Visual Software Systems
Joined 1/01/2016
Posted 5/26/2020 12:00 AM
A new maintenance release of SOQL Studio, version 2020.1.282, is now available. This release contains minor enhancements and bug fixes:
- Upgraded to Spring '20 release of the Salesforce API (API v48)
- Improved handling of Date data types on Export. Date data will no longer include a time portion. Date and DateTime values are rendered using culture-specific format in Pretty and Windows mode and Salesforce format in None mode
- Improved rendering and scrolling performance when child queries contain a large number of rows
- Improved rendering of the row number column so that the chevron to expand/collapse a row's child query results doesn't overlay all or part of the row number
- Upgraded to target .Net Framework v4.7.2 to take advantage of new functionality, improved performance and better TLS support now and in the future. Note: Additional configuration may be required on Windows 7 to enable TLS 1.2 support. See this post on our blog for more information and guidance.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected an issue that caused queries to fail with a Null Reference Exception error when a child query returned more than 2000 rows
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