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 SOQL Studio 2019.1 Build 276 Maintenance Release

Post by Administrator
Visual Software Systems
Joined 1/01/2016
Posted 8/12/2019 12:00 AM

A new maintenance release of SOQL Studio, version 2019.1.276, is now available. This release contains several minor enhancements and bug fixes:


  • Prevent deletion of an Org that is in use by a SOQL editor
  • Handle deletion of an Org that is currently set as the default org

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected an issue introduced in build 275 that prevented automatic recovery from an expired session
  • Corrected an issue that under certain circumstances would cause the application to close unexpectedly after clicking the OK button in the Manage Organizations dialog
  • Fixed an issue where some columns in a result set would be in a different order than specified in the SOQL select statement
  • Fixed issue with XML Export that caused the Export Wizard to stop processing at "Preparing…"
  • Fixed an issue introduced in build 272  where pressing F5 or Alt-F5 to execute a query caused the application to close unexpectedly


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